Low Arvie farm

Low Arvie farm
Low Arvie

Wednesday 15 September 2010

New arrivals at Low Arvie


I had forgotten all about this blog - I have been so busy trying to get my new website up and running.  However thanks to a contact I made on LinkedIn I have refound it now and here we go again!!!

Well, we have had a good few weeks here at Low Arvie - we got the second cut of silage all done in good order at the end of August - 45.5% dry matter.  Not as good as the first cut which was 75% DM but nevertheless we are very please with it for our rainy climate here in SW Scotland.

All the 'Ladies' are now  mooching round the cut fields and awaiting their calves.  We have three already, the last one born today.  Two of them are to first time heifers and all well so far.  When Lady Zoe gave birth to her first calf back in June, she nearly killed it and had to be separated from it for the first night, so its a relief that these two have done so well.  Mind you we have never had a problem like that before with our heifers, so hopefully it was a one off.

The weather has been warm for several days and I was hoping that more of the calves would be born, but now it has begun to turn colder, wetter and blowier.  However, our cows and calves are hardy and don't seem to suffer in the weather, so its mainly me that worries.

Our hired bull, of German extraction and named Baron, has gone out today and hopefully will be overcome by the beauty of our 'Ladies' and create some lovely new Galloways for next autumn for us.

The swallows left us this week and the farmyard has been eerily quiet lately - I miss hearing their chitter chatter and  watching them dive bomb David and Henry, who would love to catch one of them but never will, I suspect.  It also means that autumn is well and truly upon us - the nights are dark by 8pm now and the leaves are colouring more and more each day.  The woods and lanes are bereft of their summer flower adornments now, but the rowan and hawthorn bnerries make up for it in part.

Well, all for now,

Take care,


Sunday 1 August 2010

Floundering in the technological world!

Hi again

I wish I knew what I was doing.  I sit here at my computer clicking this button and that button and I just seem to get more and more windows open and it is all very confusing!
Life was so much simpler in the days before this internet thing got started, you took a paper  and a pen and wrote a letter to your correspondent and off it went in the post!

But I so much want to understand what is happening and how to get my message out there.  I don't want to be left behind!  My brain cells began to die a long time ago now but I feel that I must keep going until I have mastered it all.
I've just read back what I have written and t sounds a bit pathetic.  Positivity is what I need!  I can do this.  I can understand if I try!

I am in Warwick at the moment.  It's my 'me' week which I have each month.  We bought this apartment when Mother came to live down in Leamington Spa in 2006.  She was 94 years old then and couldn't travel down to see the family and so she came down here permanently where they could visit her and I travelled down from Low Arvie every third week.  My daughter lives down here and so it meant that I could see her too!  The story is told in my second book 'Life with the Ladies of Low Arvie'.  I still come down every month, even though Mother died in 2009 and this is where I write and spend time doing 'me' things - seeing my daughter and my cousins and many friends.  It recharges my batteries and makes me ready to go back home and to the busy life on the farm.

So here I am desperately trying to figure out 'Social media' and 'SEO'.  I have given myself a year to work it all out.  I have to have a project in my life and this is my current one.  Will I succeed or not?  Who knows!
The Ladies of Low Arvie on Youtube

Linda Watson Author page on Author's Den

Take care,


Low Arvie news

Search Amazon.com for Low ArvieThe Ladies of Low Arvie - Living the Farming Dream


I have been blogging for a while now on my Author's Den web page (see links) and have just set up this new blog to tell other readers all about my life with Richard and 'The Ladies' at Low Arvie.

Low Arvie is our small but beautiful farm set amidst the tranquil beauty of rural Galloway in South West Scotland.  We came here in 2002 to a small cottage farmhouse surrounded by 120 acres of very wet and boggy land.  The previous farmer had died in 1996 and for the si years before we came, no land husbandry had been done and Mother Nature had gone a good way to reclaim our acres.  There was very little 'good' grass and very many rushes and wet holes where the rain of the intervening years had bored its way into the peat and shallow soil to create a quite dangerous environment for both man and beast.

In the last few years we have worked hard to push Mother Nature back and create a safe and secure habitat for 'The Ladies of Low Arvie' and their calves, along with the wild visitors that we see in our fields, brown hares, foxes, roe deer and many species of birds .  We bought the Ladies, a herd of pedigree Black Galloway cattle, soon after our arrival, and you can see them (and us) on the Youtube video entitled 'The Ladies of Low Arvie'.  There is also a link to my first book which tells the story of our earliest years and how we managed to settle into our new and very different life and begin to raise our calves.

So that is the background to my life and this blog and I hope you will enjoy following my story as it goes along.

Best wishes,
